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24 Notes to Help You Disengage from Perfectionism

  1. Don’t perfectionism-ize your breaks & rest.

  2. Don’t set 100% as your bare minimum. Give yourself space & time to take breaks and do less if that’s what your mental and physical health need.

  3. Validate the needs of your present self.

  4. Practice not doing something or half assing it to teach your body and mind that it’s safe to do so. Your nervous system needs time and space to get used to this being safe.

  5. Be consistent in what you value everyday. Understand this means your days’ output won’t look the same. That’s okay. That’s normal.

  6. Daydreaming is a critical part of your creative process. It is still incredibly valuable even if nothing is "produced."

  7. Get curious about where your standards, values, & judgments come from.

  8. Rest is how you reset and recharge yourself while you’re awake. You need rest every day.

  9. Everything cannot be a must do.

  10. Build in flexibility and extra space into your schedule & systems to allow for things to go wrong.

  11. A sick day & a day off are not the same thing.

  12. Energy lows after coming up with a new big idea or change in your life are normal and not a sign that you’re doing something “wrong” and/or need to do more.

  13. Transitions are hard. It can be incredibly stressful to our nervous system to rapidly change what we’re doing. Breaks help with this.

  14. Explore your must-dos versus nice-to-dos at different capacities & energy levels.

  15. Visualize your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual energies as capacities -- check in with yourself to understand the size and strength of your capacities before committing to something. It’s okay when your capacities are small and limited. That’s a normal human experience.

  16. You don’t need to feel guilty about pleasures.

  17. There is no one right way to do basically anything.

  18. Perfectionism doesn’t support mental health & healing. It perpetuates struggle, hustling, and injustice.

  19. Lazy isn’t real.

  20. We need community care. It is not natural, sustainable, or healthy for us or the planet to be fully independent & self sufficient.

  21. Not showing up/ producing stuff can also help build relationships on and offline.

  22. The bare minimum can be an incredibly validating form of self care.

  23. Relationships ebb and flow. This is normal.

  24. Gentleness with oneself is key for selfcare to work for your mental and physical health.

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